Week 4
This week was another hectic one for me, I missed the chance to work on my simulations during the weekend, since I went home to celebrate my mom’s last cancer treatment (Love You Mom <3). Nonetheless we push onward, and I got as much done as possible before I left, and after I got back. Before I left, I worked on some quality of life changes within my hip file, to make it easier to read for my other team members, and me to navigate. Mostly just putting everything into network boxes and labeling everything.
Network Overview
DOPs and File Caches
Initial Source Setup and Curve Setup
Not much has changed in the setup of the nodes, but I have been slowly tweaking settings to make the fluid sims more realistic, such as giving them a viscosity attribute and adding surface tension to them. I also cleaned up my file caches by deleting any unnecessary attributes.
Gracie, our Lighting and Lookdev team member is currently in the process of creating shaders for the models, and Ive been adding them to my render tests. And one thing that I noticed while testing, was that the ingredients don’t “sit“ very naturally and so Ive been trying to come up with a solution, and one idea I had was to resimulate the ingredients after the reversed simulation.
Talentee Jar with Ingredients
Some of my other considerations about my simulations are how much will everything get covered by motion blur? And how will the focus look? do I want everything in focus, of just the jar in focus. And of course I’ll be leaving most of that to the compositors, but I also recognize that these considerations are important for me to think about now, and how they affect the composition as a whole.
additional AOVs needed: Z and Motion Vectors
(Will update this when needed)
Motion Blur and Defocus
So the final product of the week, I am happy with, but I see lots of improvements on my end. Including but not limited to… Making the fluid less blobular and more “stringy”, making sure the textures dont slip on my simulations, make the elements settle into a more natural position, improve the lid animation, and maybe give it a little more bounce. We also want to make some frost in the freezer, so figure out how to do that.