Week 6
Mentor’s Feedback Summary
FX too chaotic, tone it down
FX Work List
Shot 2
Re-Sim FX
Export with AOV layers
Shot 5 *
Fix FX to match camera
Address clipping issues
Optimize renders
Export with AOV layers
FX Testing and Outcomes
Viewport render before full render.
Shot 5*
This week for shot 5, I decided that I wasn’t happy with the current state of my file, and so I decided that I needed a full overhaul. I reworked and optimized the file so that I could make iterations quicker and to redesign the FX.
The biggest change that I made, was the switch back to a particle workflow instead of a FLIP based one. I made this decision for a few reasons:
To speed up my sim times
Because I wasn’t getting the benefits of using FLIP simulation (i.e. Viscosity/Surface Tension)
To thin out any strands created
Another big change is the choice to split the simulation in two, so that I can better art direct the shot.
Version 01
Initially I worked on matching the previous camera move, before we decided on the final move.
Viewport 01
I always made sure to do periodical viewport renders to make sure the pacing of my shot worked
(Figures Below)
(Figure. 1:.)
The setup consists of scattering points in a tube volume that fits inside my pint
Then I use a bounding box to group the points into their respective ingredients
I separate them and merge them back together to create my starting points.
(Figure. 3:.)
The points are then fed into a pop network, where I create another bounding box group called ACTIVE
This makes it so that when the points enter the bbox they are affected by my forces
This is what makes the nice layering of the ingredients.
There is also a pop kill zone that deletes the points when they leave frame.
(Figure. 2:.)
After being simulated, the points are cached, and then go to be meshed.
For meshing, I use a series of VDB smooths and reshapes to get my desired level of smoothness.
The cookies, I just add a copy to points with a low poly sphere.
(Figure. 4:.)
The truffles are completely separate from the simulation, since I wanted to hand place each truffle to avoid and unwanted collisions
They are then transformed and then to animate them, I used a blend shapes node.